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  • 2024: "New Japanese ‘Carriers’ taking tips from Italian visitor", Domino Theory

  • 2024: "Italian Navy makes a splash in Japan", Domino Theory

  • 2024: "Who is Giorgia Meloni, Italy's far-right Prime Minister?", Sydney Morning Herald and The Age

  • 2024: "Italy and Australia: redefining bilateral relations for the twenty-first century", AISE

  • 2024: "The present and future of Italian-Australian relations in Abbondanza’s and Battiston’s research" [Il presente e il futuro dei rapporti tra l’Italia e l’Australia, nelle ricerche di Gabriele Abbondanza e Simone Battiston], Il Sole 24 ORE

  • 2024: "Italy-Australia: stronger relations" [Italia-Australia, Giacobbe (Pd): Relazioni più forti], 9Colonne

  • 2024: "European powers step up their Indo-Pacific presence", South China Morning Herald

  • 2024: "Interview with Gabriele Abbondanza", E-International Relations

  • 2024: "Growing institutional and business ties between Italy and Australia" [Connessioni istituzionali e imprenditoriali in crescita tra Italia e Australia], Il Sole 24 ORE

  • 2024: "Italian-Australian relations" [Relazioni tra Italia e Australia, un nuovo libro esamina il presente guardando al futuro], SBS Radio

  • 2024: "C’è un nesso sempre più stretto tra politica estera e gestione dell’immigrazione irregolare. Ma dobbiamo imparare dai nostri errori" [There's an increasingly strong link between foreign policy and irregular migration governance, but we have to learn from our mistakes], TPI

  • 2023: "An Italian strategy for the Indo-Pacific?" [Una strategia italiana per l'Indo-Pacifico?], AffarInternazionali & IAI

  • 2023: "Towards an Italian Indo-Pacific strategy" [Verso una strategia italiana per l'Indo-Pacifico], Italy-ASEAN Association

  • 2023: "Indo-Pacific: pressures at the Senate for an Italian national strategy" [Indo-Pacifico, pressing al Senato per una strategia nazionale], AGI

  • 2023: "Españoles obligados a trabajar en el campo para vivir otro año en Australia" [Spanish migrants required to work in farms to secure a second year in Australia], 20 Minutos

  • 2023: "Italy and the Indo-Pacific: towards an Italian Indo-Pacific Strategy", 9DashLine

  • 2023: "The Mediterranean, the Indo-Pacific and Italy" [Mediterraneo Allargato, Italia e Indo-Pacifico], Rai GR Parlamento

  • 2023: "Italy is ready for its own Indo-Pacific strategy" [L'Italia è pronta a una strategia per l'Indo-Pacifico. L'intervento di Abbondanza], Formiche

  • 2023: "Italy Looks To Unloop From Communist China’s Belt and Road Scheme", The New York Sun

  • 2023: "Italia e Indo-Pacifico" [Italy and the Indo-Pacific], Rai GR Parlamento

  • 2023: "Italian Interaction with Indo-Pacific: Slow but Steady", Institute for Security & Development Policy

  • 2023: "Italy looks at the Indo-Pacific" [L'Italia volge lo sguardo all'Indo-Pacifico], AffarInternazionali

  • 2023: "Why China-Australia relations remain tense" [Perché i rapporti tra Cina e Australia restano tesi], AffarInternazionali

  • 2022: "Italy’s new government won’t be ‘fascist’, but it will face major challenges", ASPI Strategist

  • 2022: "Giorgia Meloni and the doubts of the international community" [Giorgia Meloni alla prova della comunità internazionale], AffarInternazionali

  • 2022: "A 'fascist government' in Italy?", Channel 7

  • 2022: "Seven challenges for Meloni after the elections" [Sju utmaningar för Meloni efter valet], Aftonbladet

  • 2022: "Giorgia Meloni: should we be worried?", Triple J

  • 2022: "Italian elections 2022", SBS World News

  • 2022: "Australia's six foreign policy challenges" [Le sei sfide della politica estera australiana], AffarInternazionali

  • 2022: "Preparing for a crowded Indo-Pacific: where to next?", 9DashLine

  • 2022: "Key policy challenges for Indo-Pacific states", Medium

  • 2021: "Australia and the international implications of AUKUS" [L’Australia e le implicazioni internazionali del partenariato Aukus], AffarInternazionali

  • 2021: “Afghanistan, Mali, and Australia’s nuclear submarines”, Radio24

  • 2021: "COVID: Italy as an example of how to recover" [COVID: l'Italia "come esempio per ripartire"], SBS Radio

  • 2021: “A debate in Sydney on Italy’s role in the aftermath of the pandemic”, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • 2021: "Republic's Day: the Opera House is lit up in the Italian flag's colours" [Festa della Repubblica, l'Opera House di Sydney si illumina con l'Italia], Rai News

  • 2021“Australia and the battle against Facebook and Google” [Nella battaglia tra Australia e Facebook è il pubblico a perdere], AffarInternazionali

  • 2021“Australia and the COVID-19 pandemic” [Il successo (e qualche ombra) della risposta dell’Australia alla pandemia], AffarInternazionali

  • 2020: “Australia and Japan agree on a historic defence treaty”, SBS Radio

  • 2020: “Australia Between "Good International Citizenship", A Challenging Indo-Pacific, And Declining US Leadership”, Australian Outlook

  • 2020: “Australia to invest 1.3 billion in cyber security”, SBS Radio

  • 2020: “Italy is the leading contributor to peacekeeping missions among all of the developed countries” [L’Italia offre maggior contributo al mondo tra tutti i Paesi sviluppati per le missioni di pace internazionali], The Post Internazionale

  • 2020: “Libya: peace stretches further away”, SBS Radio

  • 2019: “Trump administration also asked Italy for help on inquiry into Mueller probe”, SBS News

  • 2019: “New Silk Road: risks and benefits”, SBS Radio

  • 2019: “The mysterious departure of the Italian Ambassador in Canberra”, SBS Radio

  • 2019: “Leprosy and the Louvre: A war of words between France and Italy”, SBS News

  • 2018: “Italian President gives Sunday deadline for parties to form coalition government”, ABC Radio

  • 2018: “Ticky”, SKY News, available online at (from 35:00)

  • 2018: “Italy goes to polls in highly anticipated election”, SKY News, available online at

  • 2017: “Qual è il legame tra immigrazione e voto xenofobo in Italia?” [What is the relationship between immigration and xenophobic voting?], The Post Internazionale

  • 2016: “Italy: Between Regional and Global Politics”, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • 2016: “Dopo il voto, anche l’Australia rischia l’instabilità politica”, Panorama, 13 July 2016, pp. 22-23

  • 2015-2019: Over 50 interviews on SBS Radio on Australian and international affairs, many of which are available online at

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