Journal articles
2024: "Out of sight, out of mind? The bipartisan Australian foreign policy on irregular migration", Australian Journal of International Affairs 78(5): 702-721 (Open Access, see here)
2024: "Europe in the Indo-Pacific: economic, security, and normative engagement" [with T. Wilkins], International Political Science Review 45(5): 640-646 (Open Access, see here)
2024: "Italy’s quiet pivot to the Indo-Pacific: towards an Italian Indo-Pacific strategy", International Political Science Review 45(5): 669-679 (Open Access, see here)
2024: "The Externalisation Gamble: Italy and Spain at the Forefront of Maritime Irregular Migration Governance" [with G. Echeverría & C. Finotelli], Social Sciences 13(10): 517 (Open Access, see here)
2023: "Inclusive Left and exclusive Right? Assessing the foreign policy of irregular migration in Italy", Italian Political Science 18(1): 14-33 (Open Access, see here)
2023: "A sea of difference? Australian and Italian approaches to irregular migration and seaborne asylum seekers", Contemporary Politics 29(1): 93-113
2022: "Whither the Indo-Pacific? Middle power strategies from Australia, South Korea, and Indonesia", International Affairs 98(2): 403-421 (Open Access, see here)
2022: "Issues in Australian Foreign Policy: July to December 2021" [with T. Wilkins], Australian Journal of Politics & History 68(2): 264-278 (Open Access, see here)
2022: "Navigating Troubled Waters: Opportunities and Challenges for Australia in the Indo-Pacific Century", East Asian Policy 14(2): 109-123
2021: "Australia the ‘good international citizen’? The limits of a traditional middle power", Australian Journal of International Affairs 75(2): 178-196
2020: "Middle powers and Great powers through history: the concept from ancient times to the present day", History of Political Thought 41(3): 397-418
2020: “The West’s Policeman? Assessing Italy’s Status in Global Peacekeeping”, The International Spectator 55(2): 127-141
2018: “The electoral payoff of immigration flows for anti-immigration parties: the case of Italy’s Lega Nord” [with Francesco Bailo], European Political Science 17(3): 378-403
2018: “The Republic of Murrawarri and the Debate on Aboriginal Sovereignty in Australia”, Indigenous Policy Journal 28(3): 1-16
2018: “Il concetto di media potenza dal XIII secolo ai giorni nostri [The middle power concept from the 13th century to the present day]”, Rivista di Politica 8(4): 147-162
2017: “Italy’s Migration Policies Combating Irregular Immigration: from the Early Days to the Present Times”, The International Spectator 52(4): 76-92
2016: “Il liberalismo dell'Australia: il profilo liberalista di una nazione che è sia una media potenza che una potenza regionale [Australia’s liberalism: the liberalist profile of a middle and regional power]”, Rivista Marittima 149(11): 8-14
2016: “Geopolitica dell'affiliazione partitica in Australia: un approccio quantitativo [The geopolitics of Australia’s political affiliation: a quantitative approach]”, Geopolitica 5(1): 251-274
2024: The foreign policy of irregular migration governance: state security and migrants' insecurity in Italy and Australia (London: Routledge) (Open Access, see here)
2016: Italy as a regional power: the African context from national unification to the present day (Rome: Aracne)
2013: The geopolitics of Australian in the new millennium: the Asia-Pacific context (Rome: Aracne)
Edited books
2023: Italy and Australia: redefining bilateral relations for the twenty-first century, edited by Gabriele Abbondanza and Simone Battiston (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)
2021: Awkward Powers: Escaping Traditional Middle and Great Power Theory, edited by Gabriele Abbondanza and Thomas Wilkins (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)
Book chapters
2024: G. Abbondanza, “Indo-Pacifico”, in Enciclopedia Treccani, XI Appendice, volume 2, eds. C. M. Ossola and M. Bray (Rome: Treccani, 2024), 32-40.
2023: G. Abbondanza, “Time for a strategic partnership: the scope for international cooperation between Italy and Australia”, in Italy and Australia: redefining bilateral relations for the twenty-first century, eds. G. Abbondanza & S. Battiston (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), 155-187
2023: G. Abbondanza & S. Battiston, “Italy and Australia in the twenty-first century: distant connections or close partners?”, in Italy and Australia: redefining bilateral relations for the twenty-first century, eds. G. Abbondanza & S. Battiston (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), 1-23
2023: S. Battiston & G. Abbondanza, “Where to from here? The need for a long-term strategy in Italian-Australian relations”, in Italy and Australia: redefining bilateral relations for the twenty-first century, eds. G. Abbondanza & S. Battiston (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), 267-278
2023: S. Teo & G. Abbondanza, “Indonesia and South Korea: middle power cooperation for a resilient Indo-Pacific”, in 50 years: Indonesia and Korea, ed. Sigit Aris Prasetyo (Jakarta: Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2023), 131-144
2023: G. Abbondanza & L. Termine, "Verso una strategia italiana per l'Indo-Pacifico", in Strategie di collegamento dell’Indo-Pacifico al Mediterraneo allargato, eds. L. Termine & A. Dell'Era (Rome: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Senate, Chamber of Deputies, 2023), 60-64
2023: G. Abbondanza, "I fenomeni migratori in Oceania: tra emigrazione e immigrazione", in Atlante Geopolitico 2023 (Rome: Treccani, 2023), 24-26
2022: G. Abbondanza, "Dall'Australia a Vanuatu: i cambiamenti climatici nella geopolitica del Pacifico meridionale", in Atlante Geopolitico 2022 (Rome: Treccani, 2022), 15-17
2022: G. Abbondanza, "La pandemia da Covid-19 in Australia e Nuova Zelanda: implicazioni nazionali e internazionali", in XXI secolo il mondo sospeso: gli anni della pandemia, eds. Giuliano Amato & Paolo Vineis (Rome: Treccani, 2022), 159-165
2021: G. Abbondanza & T. Wilkins, “The Case for Awkward Powers”, in Awkward Powers: Escaping Traditional Great and Middle Power Theory, eds. G. Abbondanza & T. Wilkins (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 3-39
2021: G. Abbondanza, “The Odd Axis: Germany, Italy, and Japan as Awkward Great Powers”, in Awkward Powers: Escaping Traditional Great and Middle Power Theory, eds. G. Abbondanza & T. Wilkins (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 43-71
2021: T. Wilkins & G. Abbondanza, “What makes an awkward power? Recurrent patterns and defining characteristics”, in Awkward Powers: Escaping Traditional Great and Middle Power Theory, eds. G. Abbondanza & T. Wilkins (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 375-404
2021: M. Abbondanza & G. Abbondanza, "Dalle lotte partigiane alla Difesa: la vita di Osvaldo Abbondanza", in Le vite dei Cesenati XV, ed. Giancarlo Cerasoli (Cesena: Stampare, 2021), 17-30. Read the chapter here
2019: G. Abbondanza, “The historical determination of the middle power concept”, in Rethinking Middle Powers: New Frameworks, New Cases, eds. Tanguy Struye de Swielande, Dorothée Vandamme, David Walton, and Thomas Wilkins (London: Routledge, 2019), 32-44
Policy Papers - Policy Briefs
2024: “Italian-Australian relations: the untapped potential of two global partners”, IAI Papers 24(23): 1-17 (with S. Battiston)
2022: “Australian foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific century: opportunities and challenges”. East Asia Institute Background Brief 1654: 1-16
2022: “The foreign policy challenges of Australia’s new Labor government”. IAI Commentaries 22(28): 1-5
2021: "The AUKUS Partnership: A Wake-up Call for Europe", IAI Commentaries 21(53): 1-5
2020: "Italy and Australia: Time for a Strategic Partnership", IAI Commentaries 20(87): 1-5
2020: “Italian Peacekeeping Missions: Vast, Praised and Underused”, IAI Papers 20(20): 1-16
Conferences, Seminars, Expert Testimony
2024: keynote speech at the Italian Parliament (Senate) on how to bolster Italian-Australian relations. This event at the Senate celebrated the 75th anniversary of Australian-Italian relations
2024: "An Australian strategy for the Indo-Pacific? Assessing advantages and risks", paper presented at the 2024 APSA Conference, hosted by the University of Western Australia
2024: "Europe's Indo-Pacific pivot: navigating troubled geopolitical and geoeconomic waters", paper presented at the 2024 SISP Conference, hosted by the University of Trieste
2024: "Whose borders? Rethinking irregular migration theories from migrants', states', and local populations' perspectives", paper presented at the 2024 SISP Conference, hosted by the University of Trieste
2024: "Italy and the Indo-Pacific: between significant opportunities and the need for careful planning", paper presented at the 2024 SGRI Conference (SISP), hosted by the University of Parma
2024: "Lessons from Australia's and Italy's irregular migration governance", paper presented at the "Humanitarian frontiers and refugehood" international conference, hosted by the Complutense University of Madrid
2024: keynote speech at the public event by FIERI & IAI on Italy's foreign policy and irregular migration governance, hosted by the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin
2023: keynote speech at the Italian Parliament (Senate) on Italy's potential Indo-Pacific strategy. This was the 1st ever public event on this topic
2023: Parliamentary testimony at the Italian Parliament (Chamber of Deputies, Foreign Policy Commission) on Italy's potential Indo-Pacific strategy. This was the 1st ever testimony on this topic
2023: "Australia's irregular migration policy as foreign policy: good international citizenship or national interest?", paper presented at the 2022 Australian Political Science Association (APSA) conference
2023: "From Mare Nostrum to Mare Omnium? Tracing the contours of Italy’s potential Indo-Pacific policy", paper presented at the 2023 Italian Political Science Association (SISP) conference
2023: "Irregular migration governance as foreign policy: whither policy options?", paper presented at the 2023 Italian Political Science Association (SISP) conference
2023: "The bipartisan foreign policy of irregular migration governance", paper presented at the 2023 International Studies Association (ISA) web conference
2023: "Europe’s Indo-Pacific strategies: a slow yet steady development", keynote speech at the 15th international security conference of IUGM, Spanish Ministry of Defence
2023: "The bipartisanship of contemporary policies on irregular migration", paper presented at the 2023 King’s College London EIS conference
2022: "Rethinking National Power in a Global Order in Flux: from Theory to Measurement", paper presented at the 2022 International Studies Association (ISA) conference. Panel chair
2022: "Europe’s growing role in the Indo-Pacific", joint United States Studies Centre-GIR roundtable. Panel co-chair
2022: "Italy's quiet pivot to the Indo-Pacific", paper presented at the 2022 Australian Political Science Association (APSA) conference
2022: speaker at the 2022 Social Sciences Week, topic: the first 100 days of the Albanese government - Foreign & Defence Policy
2022: expert panellist at the 2022 Cinema Italia film festival (movie: "Shun-Li and the Poet")
2022: speaker at the Italian Research Day (Sydney), as one of Italy's "most brilliant researchers in Australia"
2021: “After the Pandemic: Italy’s Place in the World”, personal conference at the 2021 Italian Cultural Institute Conference Series, held in Sydney. Opening speeches by the Italian Ambassador to Australia H.E. Francesca Tardioli, Italian Consul General Andrea De Felip, & President of the Italian Institute of International Affairs Ferdinando Nelli Feroci
2021: “Assessing the scope for cooperation between Australia and Italy in the 21st century”, paper presented at the 2021 Australian Political Science Association (APSA) online conference. Panel convenor and chair
2021: “COVID-19 and human security: environmental, social, and medical risk factors”, paper presented at the 2021 Italian Political Science Association (SISP) online conference
2021: “Awkward Powers in International Relations”, paper presented at the 2021 GIR Colloquium Series, held at the University of Sydney
2020: “A sea of difference? Australian and Italian approaches to irregular maritime migration”, paper presented at the 2020 International Political Science Association (IPSA) web conference
2019: “Germany, Italy, and Japan as Awkward Great Powers in the International System”, paper presented at the 2019 Australian Political Science Association (APSA) conference, held in Adelaide. Panel convenor and chair
2019: “From peace enforcement to state-building: recent Italian efforts in the Balkans”, paper presented at the 2019 International Political Science Association (IPSA) conference in Sarajevo
2018: “Spain: Europe’s Long-time Middle Power” paper presented at the 2018 World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), held in Brisbane. Panel convenor and chair
2017: “Towards a simplified theoretical framework for middle powers” paper presented at the 2017 Australian Political Science Association (APSA) conference, held in Melbourne
2016: “Postcolonial Italy: between Europe and Africa”, a paper presented at the Postcolonial Italy: Between Assimilation and Integration conference, held in Adelaide (http://www.flinders.edu.au/ehl/languages-studies/departmental-sections/italian/an-eye-on-italy-conference-2016/papers.cfm)
2016: “Italy: between regional and global politics”, a paper presented at the 2016 Italian Cultural Institute Conference Series, held in Sydney (http://www.esteri.it/mae/en/sala_stampa/archivionotizie/approfondimenti/australia-italia-potenza-regionale.html)
2013: “La geopolitica e l’Australia: scenari in evoluzione” (Australia and geopolitics: evolving scenarios), a dual-language paper presented at the 2013 Domus Talenti Conference, held in Rome (http://www.fondazioneuniverde.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Com.-Stampa-Seminario-Geopolitica.pdf)
Peer-review activity
I conduct peer-reviews for some of the leading journals in my fields, including International Affairs, International Relations, International Theory, International Journal, International Political Science Review, Contemporary Politics, International Migration, Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies, The Pacific Review, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Contemporary Italian Politics, Chinese Political Science Review, Globalizations, The Journal of North African Studies, International Peackeeping, Asian Security, Social Sciences, Political Research Exchange, Cogent Social Sciences, East Asia Forum, & others.
I also conduct peer-reviews for leading academic publishers, including Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, and Edinburgh University Press, as well as for the major encyclopaedias, such as the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies and the Treccani Encyclopaedia.